Are you a regular customer of the Charity Shop & Cafe?
Have you visited once or twice in the past year?
Whether you’re a regular or a one-off customer, we are saying a very big and heart-felt THANK YOU!
This week the Directors of The Bridge Outreach Group (aka The Charity Shop) met and designated the final tranche of money for this financial year. In the past 12 months we’ve given away just over £6,000 to a variety of charitable causes and organisations. We are delighted to be in this position!
Bowel Cancer UK, St Richard’s Hospice Foundation, Christian Aid , Midlands Air Ambulance Charity, Redditch Nightstop, Home-Start North East Worcestershire, The Ben Kinsella Trust , Children in Need, DEC Disasters Emergency Committee, British Heart Foundation, Breakfast with Santa, and the Boys’ and Girls’ Brigades’ Duke of Edinburgh awards projects .
Contrary to popular understanding, the Charity Shop isn’t a way of raising regular funds for the church, it’s run to support all kinds of charities. The next big event will be on Friday 29th September, when we will be supporting MacMillan Coffee morning. The Directors have pledge to match fund any donations received on that Friday so please come along and help make it a bumper year for Macmillan.
The Bridge Charity Shop & Cafe is open every Thursday and Friday morning from 10am till 12.45pm. Bargains galore, delicious cake and friendly faces! A perfect combination.