Meet The Team - Emmanuel United Reformed and Methodist Church
The Circuit Team consists not just of the ordained ministers but also other paid staff as well as members of local churches appointed by the Circuit meeting to the voluntary role of Circuit Stewards. Together they form the Circuit Leadership Team, seeking to bring encouragement, support and leadership to individual churches and the group of churches that is the Circuit as a whole.
In addition there are many people who service and lead in the local churches, some of whom are featured on the local church page.
To see a summary document of the paid Circuit staffs typical weekly work patterns, including days they are and are not generally working, cut and paste this link into your browser:
In addition there are many people who service and lead in the local churches, some of whom are featured on the local church page.
To see a summary document of the paid Circuit staffs typical weekly work patterns, including days they are and are not generally working, cut and paste this link into your browser:
Reverend James Hamilton
Minister with Responsibility for Emmanuel Church Redditch (United Reformed & Methodist)
Associated Circuit Locations:
Emmanuel United Reformed and Methodist Church
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Nicki Farnes
Ecumenical Centre Manager
Associated Circuit Locations:
Emmanuel United Reformed and Methodist Church
View Profile
Sharon Forrest
Hospitality and Outreach Worker
Associated Circuit Locations:
Emmanuel United Reformed and Methodist Church
View Profile
Ruth Wilde
Community Church Pastor
Associated Circuit Locations:
Emmanuel United Reformed and Methodist Church
View Profile