Sally Meredith
Mission Enabler (Alpha Hub)
I am the Mission Enabler of the Alpha Hub working in 5 churches (Alcester, Catshill, Crabbs Cross, Lickey End and St Andrews) for the Bromsgrove and Redditch Methodist Circuit. My main role covers starting up and facilitating new church ventures and supporting existing ones. I get to take part in services and generally be involved in what’s happening in the community. I am also the chair of Alcester Churches Together. At St Andrew’s I am responsible for children’s work so I get involved in Messy Church, Open the Book and Make Lunch. We also have regular Movie Mornings and fun days in the holidays. We have recently set up a Toddler Movie Morning. My main duties at Crabbs Cross is to run their Drop -In, a group for people struggling with mental health issues. Our ongoing project here is to transform an area of wasteland into a community garden to be used by the church, the Drop-In and the locals. It is a wide and varied brief, which ensures that there is never a dull moment! My favourite part of the job is the great people I get to work with, both professionally and on a day to day basis.
Much of my free time is taken up with my family. I have 3 children: one of whom has flown the nest; another is at university in Bath and my youngest who is still at school. When I do get time to myself I’m an avid reader and love to go to the theatre and cinema. I enjoy travelling and have a passion for tennis, both as a player, when I am able, and as a spectator when I can afford it!! My dream is to go to all the Grand Slam tournaments.
Much of my free time is taken up with my family. I have 3 children: one of whom has flown the nest; another is at university in Bath and my youngest who is still at school. When I do get time to myself I’m an avid reader and love to go to the theatre and cinema. I enjoy travelling and have a passion for tennis, both as a player, when I am able, and as a spectator when I can afford it!! My dream is to go to all the Grand Slam tournaments.