Circuit Calendar 2024/25
Though the future remains uncertain we still need to make some plans. Please click the link for a document containing some dates of meetings at Circuit level, with a few District and National events thrown in, which may be useful when planning events at local church level
To download the calendar click on the link below:
Bromsgrove-Redditch-Methodist-Circuit-Calendar 2024-2025
Circuit diary 2024/25 ( at 23rd October 2024)
Circuit level meetings: Circuit, Circuit Leadership Team (CLT), Invitations committee, LPWL meeting (Local Preachers Meeting), Treasurers Meeting
Note: This diary does not, in the main, include services of worship be they midweek or Sunday.
Note 2: Meetings to start at 7:30pm unless otherwise stated
Wed 23rd October CLT Meeting
Thurs 24th October District Council
(October: Church councils)
Mon 11th November District Grants Meeting
Sat 23rd November Circuit Stewards Meeting
TBC CLT Meeting
Thurs 5th December LPWL Meeting
TBC CLT Meeting
Wed 22nd January Circuit Meeting
Mon 20th January District Council
Jan 27th – 30th District Ministers Retreat
(February: Church Councils)
NOTE: Ash Wednesday 5th Match
Mon 3rd March LPWL Meeting
TBC CLT Meeting
Wed 12th March 9.30am Presbyterial Synod
14th – 16th March Youth Amplified Weekend
Wed 20th March District Council
NOTE: Good Friday 18th April; Easter Day 20th April
Sat 10th May 9.30am Spring Synod
TBC CLT Meeting
TBC CLT Meeting
Tues 3rd June LPWL Meeting
Wed 11th June Circuit invitations committee (if needed)
Mon 16th June Circuit Meeting
TBC Methodist Conference
TBC CLT Meeting
Thurs 10th July District Council
TBC CLT Meeting